Branch Office
905900, Str. Tulcei nr. 3, Ovidiu
Tel. 0241 252 215 / 0744 377 706
Warehouse – 2400 m2
Branch Office
207206, Calea Bucuresti, 131/2, Pielesti, Dolj
Tel. 0251 427 664 / 0744 377 704
Warehouse – 1000 m2
Branch Office
550047, Str. Frigoriferului nr. 50
Tel. 0269228464 / 0744 377 703
Warehouse – 2400 m2
Branch Office
700293, Str. Metalurgiei nr. 8
Tel.0232 393 400 / 0744 377 709
Warehouse – 5000 m2
Branch Office
720274, Str. Cernauti nr. 99
Camera C27 si C28
Tel. 0230 519 822 / 0744 377 798
Branch Office
407280, Str Vidului, nr. 1B, Floresti
Tel.0264 416 742 / 0744 377 701
Warehouse – 1000 m2
Tg. Mures
Branch Office
540240, Str. Depozitelor nr.27-29
Tel. 0265 252 360 / 0747 377 790
Branch Office
310362, Str. Poetului,nr. 97-103
Tel.0256 246 418 / 0744 377 702
Branch Office
500052, Str. Carierei nr. 158
Tel. 0268 411 785 / 0744 377 705
Branch Office
410605, Str. Borsului nr. 45, Et.1, Culoar 2, Birou 2
Tel. 0259 414 198 / 0744 377 790
Warehouse – 1000 m2
Branch Office
800205, Str. Prutului nr. 11
Tel. 0236 415 029 / 0744 377 708
Warehouse – 1200 m2
Headquarters Office
032982, Str. Drumul Intre Tarlale nr.150-158
Tel.021 204 66 00 / 0744 525 038
Warehouse – 5000m2
Contact Us
Elgeka-Ferfelis Romania S.A.
Str. Drumul Intre Tarlale, Nr. 150-158, Bucharest
Str. Drumul Intre Tarlale 150-158, Sec. 3, Bucharest, PC-032982
+40 212 046 600
Potential Partners Checklist
What we would like to know about a potential new partner
Key Facts & Figures
Company size, brand reputation, market presence, etc.
Category, competitive intensity, performance in other markets, unique selling points, type of innovation, product description, shelf life, etc.
Consumer & shopper profiles, target channels, market research data (market audit).
Pricing strategy.
Marketing & Trade Marketing investment plans, digital & social media strategies.
Supplier & Distributor Relationship
Potential revenue and margin, possible existing sales in the country, potential launch difficulties, concurrent growth possibilities, 3-year plan.